Quakertown Historical Society

Make your tax deductible donation today

or you can mail a check or money order to:
Quakertown Historical Society
P.O. Box 846
Quakertown PA 18951
we are a 501 (c)(3)
Located across the street from the Visitor Center lies the Burgess Foulke House. It consists of four floors and serves as an example of early 19th century colonial architecture, tours by appointment.
Liberty Hall is located at 1237 W. Broad Street. It is believed the bell from the State House in Philadelphia, later known as the Liberty Bell was sheltered at this National Historic Landmark.
Preserving and maintaining the complex and its artifacts is a monumental task and costly - please consider attending one of our events or a monetary donation.
In June of 1965, a group of historically minded citzens met for the purpose of organizing the Quakertown Historical Society. We have grown to include a complex of three buildings.
The Upper Bucks Visitor Center, a late 1800's barn which has been renovated with the support of the Borough of Quakertown, the Upper Bucks Chamber of Commerce and Bucks County Conference & Visitors Bureau. The Visitor Center is open to the public Monday-Friday between 9am-4pm.