Quakertown Historical Society

The Quakertown Historical Society relies on its volunteers to help maintain its archives and collections, promote our cause and educate our community. If you enjoy telling the story, have memories to share or a passion for the past - join us!
We're always looking for assistance in the collection, documentation, maintenance and display of our collections. If you have a knack or skill in this area - we could use your help!

Do you have a long family history here? Are you a Quakertown history buff? Just want to know more? Be the first to know what's new at the museum, get early access to ticket sales and events. It's VIP status - and it's FREE - Please join us!
Schedule and coordinate at least one community event annually to promote the Society and raise funds for the Society with a goal of $5,000.00 net proceeds per year.
Maintain a list of archival material to include where items are located.
Encourage and receive gifts of archival material.
Change the display in the Museum on an annual basis.
Consider ways that the “presentation” at the Burgess Foulke House might be improved and then make those improvements.
Meet on at least a quarterly basis and generate a report to the Board.
Create & enact a plan to use the open space in Burgess Foulke House as additional display area.
Consider ways that the third floor of Burgess Foulke House might be used for display.
Oversee the work of the Treasurer.
Create an annual budget for consideration by the Board at its June meeting.
Compare the expenditures and receipts to the Annual Budget on a quarterly basis.
Develop and generate an annual community funding solicitation.
Search for and make grant applications as appropriate.
Create a rolling two-year strategic plan.
Create a game plan for fulfilling the various goals of the Strategic Plan.
Monitor & report the progress made on the Strategic Plan on a quarterly basis.
Maintain, with the assistance of the Secretary, an up-to-date membership roll on the Society computer.
Create programs to be used at Membership Meetings.
Develop a plan to enlist new members.
Develop a plan to motivate members to become more involved in the Society.
On a weekly basis, do a physical check of Burgess Foulke House and Liberty.
Regularly arrange for the vacuuming of Burgess Foulke House and Liberty Hall.
Do minor repairs to Burgess Foulke House & Liberty Hall, as necessary.
Maintain a list of repairs necessary to Burgess Foulke House and Liberty Hall.
Maintain the flower bed in front of Burgess Foulke House.
Create and distribute to the membership, on at least a bi-monthly basis, an Historical Society Newsletter.
Make changes to the Society website as needed.
Use social media to promote the Society.
Create a contact list of possibilities (service clubs, etc,) to make a presentation on behalf of the Society and schedule presentations with help from Membership Committee.
Create a suggested program that can be used in community presentations.